Sunday, February 28, 2010


hmm, what exactly is a dream?
some say is what you want to achieve in the future
while some say is what you have in mind
especially when you are sleeping, your dreams shows what you want

for me? i don't know
i dont know what it means anymore
when i sleep, all i want is just a peaceful long sleep
i always hated it when waking up without remembering dreaming but still feeling exhausted
then i remembered being a villain using all sorts of heavy artillery killing police officers. a dream is supposed to show what you want....I DONT WANT THAT!! except while playing games of course xD

haiz, nowadays i dont look forward to a long sleep as before cause i dont know what will happen

all i want is nice long, peaceful, relaxing sleep. is that too much to ask?

like this fellow right here

Saturday, February 6, 2010


haiz...exams are coming!!
wasn't expecting this when i signed up for sam, but oh well
last time, i only have to worry about the term examinations
now, i have to worry about it every few weeks...*gasp
oh well, study study study, which of course, i wont do...